Wednesday 5 June 2013


Anemone is a genus of 120 species of flowering plants. Anemones are pretty, delicate and lovely flowers. These are native to temperate zone. In Greek anemone means daughter wind. According to myth the plant was created by a goddess Venus who sprinkled nectar on blood of his beloved Adonis.
Anemones are commonly found in Japan, Israel and Britain.
Anemones are biennial plants. This diverse group of plants with a number of species flower in spring and fall. The flowers can be grown in number of orientations.
Some of the varieties have fibrous while others grow from tubers. Grecian windflower and poppy anemone can be grown from tubers. The bulbs must be soaking in water over night to prepare them for growth. For outdoor growing anemone they need direct sun from full to half day.
Spring blooming anemones are good choices for rock garden. They are low growing anemones. Fall blooming anemones are tall growing. They are suitable for adding colours to borders and woodland gardens. They have cup shaped flowers swaying clumps of maple like leaves. The flowers are small and contain 5 to 6 petals.
Spring flowers need partial shade while fall blooming flowers flourish in full sun to pert shade. All strains need moist but not soggy soils. Loamy, acidic and rich in compost soils are more favourable for anemone growth. Container grown plants can be planted throughout the growing season. For planting flower dig a hole of 12 to 15 inches deep. Place the root ball in it.  Refill it carefully and water it thoroughly.
The plant should be divided in spring. Like spring bloomers, fall bloomers also have tendency to spread but they need time to establish. While unlike other flowering plants deadheading do not promote blooming but make them presentable.
Cutworms send flowers to karachi and larvae of angle shades can target them.
Different species of anemone has different special features. Wood anemone is often found in shades of deciduous trees. Its flowers are pure white, solitary and star shaped. They bloom in early spring. Pink and blue colours are more common. Snowdrop anemone is also spring bloomer. They have fragrant, single flowers. Grape leaf anemone has spreading ability but they are not omnipresent. Its flowers are silvery pink, bloom in fall. The flowers stay on stalks for several weeks. Japanese anemone is the most favourite strain. They have single, double or cup shaped flowers. They bloom in fall up to 3 to 5 feet tall. Chinese anemone is more compact form. More common cultivates strains are September charm and Prince Henry.


Violet is a member of genus Viola fro family Violaceae. It has almost 500 to 600 species in all over the world. Most of its species are native to temperate northern Hemisphere. They are also found in Hawaii, the Andes and Australia. It is state flower of New Jersey, Illinoise and Rhode Island.
 Some of them are low growing perennial and some are annual plants. Some of the species of violets are known as pansies. They are widely grown for ornamental purposes as they have beautiful flowers. The flowers are asymmetrical in shape. The members of this genus have a range of colours from violet, blue, purple, cream and yellow. Some of them have combination of colours often blue and yellow. The flower extensively which usually last for spring and summer.
Violets have a creepy of elusive scent. These flowers contain terpenes and specific ketone named as ionone in their chemical composition. The scent of the flower desensitises the receptors of nose and person cannot identify any other smell until the nerves recover to normal state.
Greeks and Romans have been using violets since ages. Greeks cultivated them almost 500 BC or earlier even. They used them for food, decoration, as a sweetener and for herbal remedies also.
Sweet violets, bedding violets and pansies are classified as violas.
These are easily grown through cuttings and seeds. They flourish well in spotted shade of deciduous trees. They may grow well in full sun to light shade, like well drained, rich soil. So if the site you have chosen send flowers to karachi need then add a spade full of compost to the soil. Plant them in early spring. For keeping the roots cooler mulch it regularly. Moderate watering is favourable and they do not need huge amount of water. Pinching off spent flowers will promote blooming.
Divide the plant in separate pots if they are grown in large area and have gone out of control. They should not left die as they become vulnerable to red spider mite attack. Feeding with soot water, liquid manure, even with blood or bone will help in good blooming. Remove the runners during growing season will increase flower size.
Violets are most popular edible flowers. Among all species Viola is easy to grow and is more beautiful. Only few petals of this flower make a dish present able and delicious. Some of the varieties are used in desserts, fruit salads and teas in which they add inimitable sweetness to the dishes with their pungent scent. some species are used in savoury sweet foods.


Ranunculus belongs to genus of 600 species. These are herbaceous perennial plants. These are naturally found in Asia. These are famous for their bright beauty and medicinal importance. They are available in range of colours including white to pink, yellow to red and red to orange. Some ranunculus flowers in copper colour have also been observed. The flowers are brilliantly coloured, they have layers of overlapping petals. The petals look like crepe paper cuttings. These are also known as Cyoto’s eye. The reason of this name is due to an associated myth. According to the legend Cyoto was tossing his eyes and catching them back. Meanwhile an eagle snatched his eye. It is said that he has created his eye from ranunculus. Thus the flower is named so.
These are perfect spring flowers with bright and charming colours. These are not typically grown indoors. They are good choice for outdoor plants in summer and spring.  They survive for long time as cut flowers so they are good for decoration purposes. These flowers are mostly double. Telecot strain is 3 to 6 inches wide and available in numerous colours. They grow on short stem.
For outdoor planting of ranunculus choose a site with well drained soil. If water makes a pool for 5 to 6 hours after rain then avoid planting in such site and move to another one. Amending the soil with compost can raise the level of soil and improve drainage quality. Peat moss, ground bark, compost and decomposed manure could be a good option. They need full sun for growth. Dig a hole and place the bulb in the hole with it pointed end directing downwards. Refill it back; water it to settle the soil and let the send flowers to karachi plant grow. The bulb will sprout in autumn; plant will grow in winter and bloom in spring. Flowers can be cut from the plant when it starts blooming.  Cutting the flower will stimulate the plant to produce more flowers and will not hurt it at all. When the blooming season is over do not cut back the plant and let it store energy for next season. In the end of summer the plant enter in dormancy period. The bulbs planted in fall will bloom in spring while spring planted bulbs will bloom in summer.  A large sized bulb produces almost 35 cut able flowers. After fading the blooming process you can dig out the bulbs, slice off the tops and can be stored for next season.
They are inexpensive, showy, long lasting and popular as wedding flowers.